Friday, August 21, 2009

Cascade West Coast Pale Ale

Another Noble Grape kit.


West Coast Pale Ale is different enough from its British cousin to have gained its own designation as a classic style. Golden in colour, this crips, clean beer has a floral aroma from the distinctly North American Cascade hops. Unlike British pale ales, string fermentation characteristics (esters) are not a hallmark of this style. Serve cold, 36-45 deg F.


300 g dextrin malt (crushed)
300 g light crystal malt (crushed)

3.5 kg light liquid unhopped malt extract

54 g Cascade hops (30 min boil)
20 g Cascade hops (8 min flavour)
55 g Cascade hops (1 min finish)

WYeast American


I steeped the grains this time for 25 min just for the hell of it. Added all the malt extract at the beginning of the boil. I followed the recipe as listed above.


I was on the West Coast of British Columbia for a few weeks while this beer was sitting in the bottles back home on the East Coast. After trying numberous craft beers on the West Coast I was really excited to come home and try this out. 4 Weeks after this was bottled I finally decided to drink a bottle and it was fantastic.


This is my most favourite recipe I've made to date.



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